Christian Galea

Christian Galea
Actable AI

Doctor of Philosophy


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Currently doing research on applying deep learning for super-resolution, but also have experience in other domains of computer vision and machine learning, including: (a) biometrics (especially face recognition, including heterogeneous face recognition), (b) construction and manipulation of 3D point clouds from light field images, and (c) objective image and video quality assessment. Also interested in applications related to autonomous vehicles, vehicle safety, health/medical, and gaming.
Additional affiliations
February 2019 - present
University of Malta
  • PostDoc Position
  • Research Support Officer III (postdoctoral researcher) in the DEEP-FIR project, whose aim is to improve the quality of images captured from CCTV cameras. Project page here:
February 2018 - January 2019
National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control
  • PostDoc Position
  • Research for the project '3D Point Clouds for Light Fields Processing'
September 2017 - January 2018
St Aloysius` College
  • Teacher
  • ICT Teacher for Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 students at St. Aloysius` College, Birkirkara, Malta
October 2014 - September 2017
University of Malta
Field of study
  • Face Photo-Sketch Recognition Using Deeply-Learned and Engineered Features
October 2012 - June 2014
University of Malta
Field of study
  • Telecommunications
October 2009 - June 2012
University of Malta
Field of study
  • Communications and Computer Engineering


Publications (17)
Numerous algorithms process face images to perform tasks such as person identification and estimation of attributes such as the race and gender. While previous work has focused on biases in face recognition systems, relatively limited work has considered the full face processing pipeline to determine if other components also exhibit any biases rela...
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To date, the best-performing blind super-resolution (SR) techniques follow one of two paradigms: (A) train standard SR networks on synthetic low-resolution–high-resolution (LR–HR) pairs or (B) predict the degradations of an LR image and then use these to inform a customised SR network. Despite significant progress, subscribers to the former miss ou...
To date, the best-performing blind super-resolution (SR) techniques follow one of two paradigms: A) generate and train a standard SR network on synthetic low-resolution - high-resolution (LR - HR) pairs or B) attempt to predict the degradations an LR image has suffered and use these to inform a customised SR network. Despite significant progress, s...
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Guo et al. proposed a method for automated face-sketch recognition in their paper “Domain Alignment Embedding Network for Sketch Face Recognition”, where it is deemed to be superior to several other methods published in literature. However, the employed evaluation methodology contains several critical flaws, such that definitive conclusions with...
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved impressive results across many super-resolution (SR) and image restoration tasks. While many such networks can upscale low-resolution (LR) images using just the raw pixel-level information, the ill-posed nature of SR can make it difficult to accurately super-resolve an image which has undergone mul...
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved impressive results across many super-resolution (SR) and image restoration tasks. While many such networks can upscalelow-resolution (LR) images using just the raw pixel-level information, the ill-posed nature of SR can make it difficult to accurately super-resolve an image which has undergone mult...
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Sketches obtained from eyewitness descriptions of criminals have proven to be useful in apprehending criminals, particularly when there is a lack of evidence. Automated methods to identify subjects depicted in sketches have been proposed in literature, but their performance is still unsatisfactory when using software-generated sketches and when tes...
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Numerous methods that automatically identify subjects depicted in sketches as described by eyewitnesses have been implemented, but their performance often degrades when using real-world forensic sketches and extended galleries that mimic law enforcement mug-shot galleries. Moreover, little work has been done to apply deep learning for face photo-sk...
Light field imaging has emerged as a very promising technology in the field of computational photography. Cameras are becoming commercially available for capturing real-world light fields. However, capturing high spatial resolution light fields remains technologically challenging, and the images rendered from real light fields have today a signific...
Conference Paper
Numerous algorithms that can identify suspects depicted in sketches following eyewitness descriptions of criminals are currently being developed because of their potential importance in forensics investigations. Yet, despite the prevalent use of software-generated composite sketches by law enforcement agencies, there still exist few such sketches w...
Conference Paper
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Identifying and apprehending suspects by matching sketches created from eyewitness and victim descriptions to mugshot photos is a slow process since law enforcement agencies lack automated methods to perform this task. This paper attempts to tackle this problem by combining Eigentransformation, a global intra-modality approach, with the Eigenpatche...
Conference Paper
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The demand for high quality multimedia content is increasing rapidly, which has resulted in service providers employing Quality of Service (QoS) strategies to monitor the quality of delivered content. However, the QoS parameters commonly used do not correlate well with the actual quality perceived by the end-users. Numerous objective video quality...
Conference Paper
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The exponential growth of video traffic is expected to reach 62% of the global Internet traffic by the end of 2015 [1]. This presents as a significant challenge for the television service providers who need to employ networking technologies to monitor specific Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as packet loss rate, jitter and delay, to ensure...


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