Chia-Min Lin

Chia-Min Lin
National Chin-Yi University of Technology · Fundamental Education Center



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My research is mainly about cosmology and high-energy particle theories.
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May 2012 - March 2013
Kobe University
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (59)
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This work proposes more solutions for the Wheeler–DeWitt equation in a flat FLRW minisuperspace. We study quantum cosmology in the framework of the de Broglie–Bohm interpretation and investigate the quantum cosmological effects throughout the evolution of the universe. In a particular solution, the tendency for a scalar field to roll down the poten...
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This work proposes more solutions for the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in a flat FLRW minisuperspace. We study quantum cosmology in the framework of the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation and investigate the quantum cosmological effects throughout the evolution of the universe. A class of solutions are presented. In a particular solution, the tendency for a...
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In this work, we calculate the average equation of state for the oscillating inflaton field of the simplest $\alpha$-attractor E-model. We show that the average equation of state can be solved analytically. We discover that when $\alpha$ is small, the average equation of state of the oscillating inflaton field approaches that of a cosmological cons...
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In this work, I consider an inflation model with a quadratic potential and a negative cosmological constant. An analytical solution of the equation of motion for the inflaton field is found without slow-roll approximation. The result is that the inflation field is rolling at a constant speed. The prediction for cosmological perturbation is calculat...
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In this work, we consider homogeneous oscillations of the inflaton field after inflation. In particular, we obtain an analytical result for the (average) equation of state for the oscillating inflaton field for the simplest $\alpha$-attractor T-model. The result is useful for the study of its post-inflationary evolution. The most dramatic possibili...
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In this work, we consider a hilltop version of the (supersymmetric) sneutrino hybrid inflation where the right-handed sneutrino field plays the role of the inflaton field. This model is a type III hilltop inflation that can produce a spectral index $n_s=0.96$ which fits perfectly to experimental observations without fine-tuning of parameters. We al...
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We revisit D-term inflation with the bounds of the cosmic string tension from gravitational wave observations and consider the possible deviation of the spectral index compared with the ΛCDM model in light of prerecombination resolutions of the Hubble tension. D-term inflation requires very small coupling constants under these constraints. We show...
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We investigate a static, cylindrically symmetric cosmic string on the brane without a perturbative approximation. We find there could be a (large) enhancement of the (effective) string tension when the energy density at the center of the string is (much) larger than twice the brane tension. We also point out a new way to evade the cosmic string pro...
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In this note, we compare two different definitions for the cosmological perturbation $\zeta$ which is conserved on large scales and study their non-conservation on small scales. We derive an equation for the time evolution of the curvature perturbation on a uniform density slice through a calculation solely in longitudinal (conformal-Newtonian) gau...
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We revisit D-term inflation with the bounds of the cosmic string tension from gravitational wave observations and consider the possible deviation of the spectral index compared with $\Lambda$CDM model in light of pre-recombination resolutions of the Hubble tension. D-term inflation requires very small coupling constants under these constraints. We...
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The scale of small-field inflation cannot be constrained via primordial gravitational waves through measurement of tensor-to-scalar ratio r. In this study, I show that if cosmic strings are produced after symmetry breaking at the end of hilltop supernatural inflation, this small-field inflation model can be tested through the production of gravitat...
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The scale of small-field inflation cannot be constrained via primordial gravitational waves through measurement of tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. In this study, I show that if cosmic strings are produced after symmetry breaking at the end of hilltop supernatural inflation, this small-field inflation model can be tested through the production of gravit...
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In this paper, we investigate the parameter space in the framework of hilltop supernatural inflation in which the inflaton field can play the role of Affleck-Dine field to produce successful baryogenesis. The suitable value of reheating temperature could coincide with the reheating temperature required to produce lightest supersymmetric particle da...
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The swampland criteria put significant constraints on inflation models. In this paper, I show that hilltop inflation on the brane may provide an initial condition for hilltop inflation and produce topological eternal inflation without violating the swampland distance and refined de Sitter criteria. This shows a way that string theory may not be inc...
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In this paper, we investigate the parameter space in the framework of hilltop supernatural inflation in which the inflaton field can play the role of Affleck-Dine (AD) field to produce successful baryogenesis. The suitable value of reheating temperature could coincide with the reheating temperature required to produce LSP dark matter. The baryon is...
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The swampland criteria put significant constraints on inflation models. In this paper, I show that hilltop inflation on the brane may provide an initial condition for hilltop inflation and produce topological eternal inflation without violating the swampland distance and refined de Sitter criteria. This shows a way that string theory may not be inc...
In this paper, I present an analytic solution to the equation of motion of the inflaton field in a model of rapid roll inflation with a quartic potential by assuming that the Hubble parameter is a constant during inflation. The result is obtained by using Jacobi elliptic functions. The spectral index ns and the running spectral index ns′ is obtaine...
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In this paper, we show that single-field chaotic inflation on the brane with the potential V=aϕp is compatible with the swampland criteria. The spectral index and the running spectral index are within experimental bounds for 0<p≤2. The tensor to scalar ratio is within observational bounds if p≲O(1).
In this paper, I show that type I hilltop inflation under the current observational constraints could have MP2V′′V∼−O(10−2) in the parameter space, which is in tension with the refined swampland criteria. On the other hand, MP2V′′V∼−O(1) can be achieved if type I hilltop inflation on the brane is considered.
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In this paper, I show that type I hilltop inflation under the current observational constaints could have $M_P^2 \frac{V^{\prime\prime}}{V} \sim -\mathcal{O}(10^{-2})$ in the parameter space which may be marginally compatible with the refined swampland criteria. On the other hand, $M_P^2 \frac{V^{\prime\prime}}{V} \sim -\mathcal{O}(1)$ can be achie...
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In this paper, we show that single-field chaotic inflation on the brane with the potential $V=a \phi^p$ is compatible with the Swampland criteria. The spectral index and the running spectral index are within experimental bounds for $0<p \leq 2$. The tensor to scalar ratio is within observational bounds if $p \lesssim 0.35$.
In this paper, I present an analytic solution to the equation of motion of the inflaton field in a model of rapid roll inflation with a quartic potential by assuming that the Hubble parameter is a constant during inflation. The result is obtained by using Jacobi elliptic functions. The spectral index $n_s$ and the running spectral index $n_s^\prime...
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If the beginning of inflation is defined at the moment when the vacuum energy of the inflaton starts to dominate, the energy density of the other fields at that moment is (by definition) comparable to the inflaton. Although the fraction will be small at the horizon exit due to the inflationary expansion, they can alter the scale dependence of the s...
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At the beginning of inflation, when the vacuum energy starts to dominate, there could be many dynamical fields in the Universe. At the same time, velocity of the inflaton may not coincide with the slow-roll (attractor) velocity. Although these additional degrees of freedom may neither enhance nor suppress the curvature perturbation, they can easily...
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We demonstrate that a topological defect can explain the hemispherical power asymmetry of the CMB. The first point is that a defect configuration, which already exists prior to inflation, can source asymmetry of the CMB. The second point is that modulation mechanisms, such as the curvaton and other modulation mechanisms, can explain scale-dependenc...
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In this paper, we carefully calculated the tensor-to-scalar ratio, the running spectral index, and the running of running spectrum for (extra) natural inflation in order to compare with recent BICEP2 data, PLANCK satellite data and future 21 cm data. We discovered that the prediction for running spectral index and the running of running spectrum in...
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In this paper, we consider high scale (100 TeV) supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking motivated by recent experimental results of LHC and realize the idea of hilltop supernatural inflation in concrete particle physics models based on flipped-SU(5) and Pati-Salam models in the framework of supersymmetric grand unified theories (SUSY GUTs). The inflaton can...
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In this paper, the curvature perturbation generated by the modulated curvaton decay is studied by a direct application of $\delta N$-formalism. Our method has a sharp contrast with the {\it non-linear formalism} which may be regarded as an indirect usage of $\delta N$-formalism. We first show that our method can readily reproduce results in previou...
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The primordial black hole (PBH) formation is studied in light of the inflating curvaton. The typical scale of the PBH formation is determined by curvaton inflation, which may generate PBH with $10^{14}\mathrm{g}\le M_\mathrm{PBH}\le 10^{38}\mathrm{g}$ when curvaton inflation gives the number of e-foldings $5\leq N_2\leq 38$. The non-Gaussianity of...
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We propose a class of curvaton models which we call passive curvaton. In this paper, two kinds of passive curvaton is considered. The first one is a pseudoscalar curvaton couples to a gauge field. Different from the inflaton case, the constraint from formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) is much weaker and large non-gaussianity (of the equilit...
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In this paper, we show that if passive fluctuations are considered, primordial black holes (PBHs) can be easily produced in the framework of single-field, slow-roll inflation models. The formation of PBHs is due to the blue spectrum of passive fluctuations and an enhancement of the spectral range which exits horizon near the end of inflation. There...
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We study the Affleck-Dine (AD) baryogenesis in the inflating curvaton scenario, when the curvaton is a moduli field with O($10-10^2$TeV) mass. A moduli field with such mass is known to be free from the Polonyi problem, and furthermore its decay products can explain the present cold dark matter abundance. In our scenario, it further explains the pri...
In this talk, I will explain how to reduce the spectral index of supernatural inflation to be ns = 0.96 naturally by using the idea of hilltop inflation.
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In this paper, we investigate the idea that the decay of a curvaton is kinematically blocked and show that the coupling constant for curvaton decay can be as large as ${\cal O}(1)$. We also find in this case the lower bound of the Hubble parameter at horizon exit from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is $H_\ast \gae 7.2 \times 10^{-9}M_P \sim 10^{10}...
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In this paper, we consider the effect of two right-handed sneutrino curvaton decays and investigate the parameter space. We compare the difference of the result between single- and two-curvaton cases. We find one Yukawa coupling of the right-handed snetrinos can be as large as $\lambda \sim 0.1$ while the other one is much smaller which is consiste...
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In this paper, we show that the idea of growing neutrino can result in a modulated reheating effect and produce detectable non-Gaussianity in the model where the Higgs triplet from type II seesaw mechanism plays the role of the inflaton in chaotic inflation.
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We consider the possibility to combine inflection point inflation and growing neutrino dark energy in a particular setup of bimodal/schizophrenic neutrino model in the framework of MSSM$\otimes U(1)_{B-L}$. In order to obtain a varying neutrino mass, we make an assumption that a soft mass of $\tilde{Z'}_{BL}$ depends on a scalar field which plays t...
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In this Letter, we consider a chaotic inflation model where the role of inflaton is played by the Higgs triplet in type II seesaw mechanism for generating the small masses of left-handed neutrinos. Leptogenesis could happen after inflation. This model is constructed without introducing supersymmetry (SUSY).
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In this talk, I will explain how to reduce the spectral index to be n_s=0.96 for supernatural inflation. I will also show the constraint to the reheating temperature from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis of both thermal and non-thermal gravitino production.
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In this paper, we explore the parameter space of hilltop supernatural inflation model and show the regime within which there is no gravitino problem even if we consider both thermal and nonthermal production mechanisms. We make plots for the allowed reheating temperature as a function of gravitino mass by constraints from big-bang nucleosynthesis....
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We construct a model of cosmological inflation and perturbation based on the higher-dimensional gauge theory. The inflaton and curvaton are the scalar fields arising from the extra space components of the gauge field living in more than four dimensions. We take the six-dimensional (6D) Yang-Mills theory compactified on $T^2$ as a toy model, and app...
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In this paper we consider a class of inflation models on the brane where the dominant part of the inflaton scalar potential does not depend on the inflaton field value during inflation. In particular, we consider supernatural inflation, its hilltop version, A-term inflation, and supersymmetric (SUSY) D- and F-term hybrid inflation on the brane. We...
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In this paper, we explore the parameter space for a Right-Handed (RH) sneutrino curvaton that can generate large non-Gaussianity without assuming any particular inflation sector. The mass of the RH sneutrino is suggested from a discussion on the initial condition of the curvaton field. It is shown that a small Yukawa coupling is generally required...
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In this paper, we show that if we extend D-term hybrid inflation by adding a light scalar field which couples to a waterfall field, large non-Gaussianity can be generated at the end of inflation. Contribution of cosmic strings generated after D-term inflation to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) angular power spectrum can be as low as 10% and t...
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In this paper, we show that in the framework of chaotic braneworld inflation, after preheating, the remaining oscillating inflaton field can play the role of dark matter with the observed level. Augmented by a non-zero effective cosmological constant $\Lambda_4$ on the brane, triple unification of inflation, dark matter and dark energy by a single...
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Following \cite{Lin:2009yt}, we explore the parameter space of the case when the supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scale is lower, for example, in gauge mediated SUSY breaking model. During inflation, the form of the potential is $V_0$ plus MSSM (MSSM stands for Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model) (or A term (It is called A-term inflation when the i...
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The International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) was founded in 1978 and was the first institution in Italy to promote post-graduate courses leading to a Doctor Philosophiae (or PhD) degree. A centre of excellence among Italian and international universities, the school has around 65 teachers, 100 post docs and 245 PhD students, and is located...
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Supernatural inflation is an attractive model based just on a flat direction with soft SUSY breaking mass terms in the framework of supersymmetry. The beauty of the model is inferred from its name that the model needs no fine-tuning. However, the prediction of the spectral index is $n_s \gae 1$, in contrast to experimental data. In this paper, we s...
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In this paper, we consider logarithmic radiative corrections and higher order terms to the supersymmetric hilltop F- and D-term hybrid inflation models. Conventional F- and D-term hybrid inflation only predicts $n_s \gae 0.98$. We show that via a positive quadratic and a negative quartic correction the spectral index can be reduced to $n_s=0.96$ su...
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We extend previous work on the minimal D-term inflation model modified by Right-Handed (RH) sneutrino fields to include additional inflaton-sector SUGRA corrections and two-field inflation effects. We show that SUGRA corrections simultaneously allow n_{s} to be within 3-year WMAP limits and the cosmic string contribution to the CMB power spectrum t...
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Using analytic expressions, we explore the parameter space for hilltop inflation models with a potential of the form $V_0\pm m^2\phi^2 -a\phi^p$. With the positive sign and p>2 this converts the original hybrid inflation model into a hilltop model, allowing the spectral index to agree with the observed value n=0.95. In some cases the observed value...
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Supergravity corrections due to the energy density of a right-handed sneutrino can generate a negative mass squared for the inflaton, flattening the inflaton potential and reducing the spectral index and inflaton energy density. For the case of D-term hybrid inflation, we show that the spectral index can be lowered from the conventional value n = 0...


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